Sunday, October 31, 2010

A reason to be famous

All this for Charity what a pimp she does amazing thing that many people don't know about.

Donate to UNICEF today ;)

Up all night

So this started after work at around 10pm. A couple of friends and I decided we were gonna watch the Vampire Diaries haha I thought this ment 3 episodes not the whole first season haha. I will admit I fell asleep a few times but they were up for 19 hours of Vampire diaires haha. This includes us burning 5 fake logs in the firse place and eating 10 frozen lemonades and cheese and crackers. A total on being awake for 28 hours haha it was a intense night. I won't lie though it was well worth the fun haha.



First Blog Ever!

So I decided to start blogging because one person I really inspire blogs as well, Selena Gomez. I think shes awesome for what she does with UNICEF and how down to earth she is. She does video blogging as well, which is really cool.

Well I'll be back soon with more and more in my blogs.


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