Friday, February 11, 2011

New York City

So I'm super excited to be finally seeing New York City. Theres so much to do and a week to do it. Spring break is when I go so only like 30 days left, wish it was here already I need to leave flagstaff already. I am planning on visiting NYU for graduate school. Let's see if I like it.
I am bring a special someone with me which will make the whole trip even better ;)

I can't wait to buy a metro card and ride the subway. Never done that before so it should be interesting.
Also I've never been on a plan for longer than 3 hours so a 5 hour and 35 min flight should be interesting since I kinda dislike flying haha

Well wish me luck ;) I hope to have fun

I'll keep you updated ;)

Fame and Money

I don't think anyone actually understands how much I am determined I am to become famous.
I will do anything haha well almost anything. I try my hardest everyday all day.

Just wait everyone will see ;)

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